There are so many things you need to know to get started. Or at the very least be aware of.
Series Overview
It's kind-of a given with starting any business, but the absolute "sticker-shock" of initial startup costs might deter most from even trying.
However the costs are totally reasonable if you're sensible about certain things, such as shopping for the free-tiers and architect your project in such a way that moving to your own infrastructure wouldn't be very difficult. Otherwise you're going to find yourself never moving from the stack you start on, or worse you pay out-the-nose to migrate it to something else.
I'm going to release this series in chapters, because while they're all related to a single application the steps to getting that application to market are easily compartmentalized.
The topics I'll release on are this series are as follows...
Intellectual Property
Non-function Infrastructure
Functional Infrastructure (Tech Stack)
Effort-Hours (and its mental health cost)
... and I will add more as I think of them, making sure to minimize edits on the original series articles, illustrating easy-to-follow addendums when necessary.
So let's begin!